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Administrative services

The administrative sector of a company is one of the most important for achieving business objectives, as it is where strategic decisions are made. It is the foundation for all of the company's other activities. 

Therefore, it is important to understand what the administrative sector is, what its function is and how it should be structured within a company. 

Every company has an administrative and an operational sector. In the administrative area, the strategic part of the business is built. It is made up of the presidency, board of directors, management, analysts, among other functions, which they have in their scope planning and developing the company's actions.

Basically, professionals in this area carry out the general administration of the business, choosing the best paths to achieve the goals set by management. The biggest challenge is that, in addition to the problems faced by its departments, the administrative sector must also look at other areas and act whenever necessary. 

It is the responsibility of this sector to manage the company, from defining business objectives, through building teams, to providing guidance for the best execution of work by the operational team. 

It is the administrative employees who will make the main business decisions, guiding the work of the entire team. It is in this sector where the management model, the company's priorities and how it will present its products and services to customers and business partners are defined.   

The function of the administrative sector is also to understand the company's positioning in the market to review strategies and correct planning, when necessary. 

Normally, this sector is also where the professionals responsible for the company's financial management are located. For this reason, it is essential that all administrative departments work in sync so that results are achieved.    

HR services

The human resources division is, perhaps, one of the most important in the administrative sector. A people management, hiring new talent and the work of the personnel department is essential for any company. 

These professionals are essential for other areas to function correctly, as they select the best talents and are also responsible for bringing benefits and offering the best working conditions.

Bureaucratic processes require impeccable organization in this area, as failures in routine demands can cause losses to all other sectors, including financial losses. 

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